Learn physics while the sun shines

Various institutes organise summer schools and workshops to help students get exposed to specific topics at the front line of research. They may also address more general topics that are too advanced for college curricula.


  • Future Flavours: Prospects for Beauty, Charm and Tau Physics

    Institute: ICTS

    Deadline: April 18, 2022

    Topic: Pedagogical Introduction to Experimental and Phenomenological Flavour Physics

    Target Audience: Ph.D students in particle physics and above. Final year M.Sc. students may apply if they have done courses and/or project work in particle physics

  • Oxford Summer Courses in India

    Institute: Oakridge International School

    Summary: “Summer courses in India offer you world-renowned small group learning, taught by expert Oxford tutors – and all in the exceptional surroundings of Oakridge International School, in Bangalore. Meet like-minded students your own age, tackle challenging academic work and improve your critical thinking through lively workshops. Then end your summer course by receiving your certificate and letter of recommendation. It’s challenging, exciting and fun.”


  • Quantum in the Summer

    Institute: Radboud University

    Deadline: July 1, 2022

    Topic: Cutting edge of research in some aspects of quantum information and computation

    Target audience: Advanced bachelor, masters or PhD students

  • 20th Annual Wolfram Summer School

    Organiser: Wolfram

    Topic: These projects will leverage key ideas from Stephen Wolfram’s book A New Kind of Science, along with more recent innovations made by the Wolfram Physics Project, to study Wolfram models.

    Target audience: advanced research-oriented students in mathematics and physics, as well as those with strong backgrounds in algorithmic programming

  • Queen Mary Summer School

    Institute: Queen Mary University of London

    Deadline: May 25, 2022

    Summary: “The Queen Mary Summer School is a great opportunity to discover what it’s like to study at one of the UK’s top universities, while living in one of the coolest parts of London! Our Summer School programme features a broad range courses, put together by our world-class academics in a variety of disciplines. You can specialise according to your interests, knowing that each session will be thought-provoking, challenging and exciting in equal measure”

  • Quantum 2022 Summer School on Quantum Optical Technologies in Apulia

    Institute: Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

    Deadline: March 31, 2022

    Topic: quantum optical technologies, from quantum imaging and metrology to quantum communication, computing, and simulation, with both a theoretical and an experimental perspective

    Target audience: PhD students, master students and young researchers
