More to be declared soon

The deadlines for summer programs at the following institutes are coming up soon. Make sure to check out their websites for more information. The complete list is available for download as a pdf.

Institute Deadline Lab/PI  
ICTS, Bangalore Jan 31, 2022    
IIT, Kanpur Feb 29, 2022    
IISC, Bangalore Jan 15, 2022 Prof. Vishwesha Guttal  
HRI, Allahabad      

Several other institutes will soon declare summer programs of their own. We will provide updates as soon as they become available.

Institute Last Deadline  
JNSCAR Bangalore    
TIFR Mumbai    
IISER Kolkata May 5, 2021  
SN Bose Institute, Kolkata May 15, 2021  
Bose Institue, Kolkata March 31, 2020  
IIT KGP Feb 15, 2020  
SINP Kolkata Feb 29, 2020  
IISER Pune Feb 2, 2020  
IIA Bangalore    
IISER Bhopal May 10, 2021  
IISER Berhampur April 20, 2021  
IISER Mohali    
PRL Ahmedabad April 16, 2021  
